Category Archives: Practice Tips

Patent Infringement Litigation: Obviousness Gets Much Easier to Prove

An inventor cannot obtain a patent “if the differences between the subject matter sought to be patented and the prior art are such that the subject matter as a whole would have been obvious at the time the invention was … Continue reading

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Patent Infringement Litigation: Raising the Bar for Proving Willful Infringement

In the last five years or so, there’s been a dramatic change in many of the areas of law concerning patent infringement.  We plan to discuss recent, notable decisions and changes in the law over the next couple of weeks.  … Continue reading

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What To Look For When Selecting Local Counsel

We act as local counsel in the Northern District of Texas and often use local counsel for our cases that are pending outside of Texas.  Here are some things we think you should look for when selecting local counsel. Knowledge … Continue reading

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Practice Tip: Electronically Redacting Documents

Courts in the Northern District of Texas require, in certain instances, parties to redact filings (e.g., when filing briefs that contain materials designated under the Court’s Protective Order).  Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 5.1 requires redaction of certain sensitive personal … Continue reading

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Local Rules To Be Amended Effective September 4, 2012

The Judges of the Northern District of Texas have adopted new amendments to the Local Rules (available here).  Specifically, the revisions affect LR 83.10, dealing with the requirement to obtain local counsel.  The new amendment generally requires local counsel in … Continue reading

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The Model Order

At this year’s Eastern District of Texas Bench Bar Conference, the Federal Circuit’s Chief Judge Rader gave a speech (attached) and introduced what is now known as the “Model Order” (located at the very end of the attached pdf) which deals … Continue reading

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Five Practice Tips For the New Year

Here are five practice tips that may be of use in the New Year: When drafting documents, electronically highlight any areas that need to be filled in later.  Don’t just leave them blank with a “______.”  We’ve seen several filings … Continue reading

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