Category Archives: Judge Godbey (Chief Judge)

Patent Pilot Project Goes Into Effect On September 1, 2011; Judges Lynn, Godbey, And Kinkeade To Hear All Patent Cases

Chief Judge Fitzwater recently entered Special Order No. 3-287 (available here).  The Order states that, when a patent case is filed in or transferred to the Northern District of Texas on or after September 1, 2011, the case will be … Continue reading

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Northern District of Texas Judges To Hold CLE Discussing the Implementation of the Patent Pilot Program

The IP Law Section of the Dallas Bar Association has announced that, on July 26, 2011, Judges Lynn, Godbey, and Kinkeade will hold a lunch-time CLE at the Belo to discuss the Northern District of Texas’ Patent Pilot Program and … Continue reading

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The Mick Haig John Does Strike Back, Seek Sanctions Against Mick Haig’s Counsel

Last October, we blogged about Mick Haig’s lawsuit against 670 “John Doe” defendants who allegedly illegally downloaded Mick Haig’s adult film, thereby allegedly committing copyright infringement.  We noted that Mick Haig’s counsel intended to obtain the names of the John … Continue reading

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A Lawsuit With a View Filed in the Northern District of Texas

On November 12, 2010, Twin Restaurant IP, LLC (“Twin Peaks”) sued  Grand Tetons, LLC d/b/a Northern Exposure in the Northern District of Texas (pdf copy of the complain found here).  According to Twin Peaks: Twin Peaks Restaurants employ a distinctive … Continue reading

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Judge Godbey

Judge Godbey was born in Temple, Texas and appointed to the Northern District of Texas in 2002 by President George W. Bush.  Judge Godbey received his B.S.E.E. and B.S., magna cum laude, from Southern Methodist Unversity in 1978, and his J.D., … Continue reading

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670 Texans Sleep Uneasy Tonight

A reader alerted us today to the interesting lawsuit of Mick Haig Productions v. Does 1-670, filed in the Northern District of Texas (pdf copy of complaint found here).  Mick Haig is in the adult entertainment business, and filed suit … Continue reading

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5th Circuit Vacates Sanctions Against Susman Godfrey Attorney

On September 13, 2010, a panel of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, in Positive Software Solutions v. New Century Mortgage Corp. (5th Cir. 2010), vacated a $10,000 sanction imposed on an attorney at Susman Godfrey by Judge Godbey.  Judge … Continue reading

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