Author Archives: Steven Callahan

Magistrate Judge Kaplan’s Farewell Reception To Be Held on September 19, 2012

The United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas is holding a Farewell Reception honoring Magistrate Judge Kaplan for his eighteen years of service. The reception is being hosted by the Federal Bar Association, Dallas Chapter, and will … Continue reading

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What Do I Do If My Electronic Document Is Too Large To File?

Follow the Court’s procedure for filing large documents and adding attachments.

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What Happens If I Need To File a Non-Documentary or Oversized Object?

Per ECF Administrative Procedures Manual, § III (D): “If you are unable to electronically file a non-documentary or oversized object because of its physical size or character, submit it to the clerk’s office for filing. The clerk will docket a … Continue reading

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If I’m Granted Leave to File a Document, and I Already Attached The Document As An Exhibit to a Motion, Must I File It Again?

Maybe. “If you are granted leave to file a document that is available in the Court’s record (e.g., attached as an exhibit to your motion for leave to file), the clerk will file the document as of the date of … Continue reading

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What If There’s an Emergency and I Can’t File a Document Electronically Because My Computer System is Down?

The Northern District of Texas has a procedure to follow, which is available here.

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How Do I Submit a Proposed Order to the Court?

Per ECF Administrative Procedures Manual, § II(F):  “To satisfy the requirement of LR 7.1(c) or LCrR 47.1(c), you must use the ‘Proposed Orders’ event and submit the proposed order in a word-processing format (e.g., Word or WordPerfect, not PDF). To … Continue reading

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What Do I Do If I Forget to Electronically Sign My Pleading, Motion, or Other Paper?

You can correct the deficiency by filing a Notice of Correction of Signature Omission, which is available here.

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Are Graphical Signatures Permitted on Electronically Filed Documents?

Yes. See L.R. 11.1(b) (“An attorney who submits a document for filing by electronic means must place on the document an “s/” and the typed name of the attorney, or a graphical signature, in the space where the attorney’s signature … Continue reading

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How Do I File a Pleading, Motion, or Other Paper?

Follow the steps found here.

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How Do I File a Civil Case?

Follow the steps found here.

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