Author Archives: Steven Callahan

Free CLE Event With N.D. Tex. Judges — June 27, 2013

The Northern District of Texas has announced that it is offering a free CLE event. Per the Court: All attorneys and support staff are cordially invited to attend the Annual Judiciary Appreciation Luncheon, sponsored by the Federal Bar Association and … Continue reading

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Judge Ferguson Awards $170 Million to General Electric In Patent Infringement Lawsuit After Rejecting Mitsubishi’s Inequitable Conduct Defense

On May 28, 2013, Judge Ferguson entered a Final Judgment (available here) in the General Electric v. Mitsubishi case. The Final Judgment awarded General Electric $166.7 million in lost profits, $3.4 million in reasonable royalty damages, plus prejudgment interest. This … Continue reading

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InVue Sues Langhong Technology For Patent Infringement

On June 5, 2013, InVue filed a lawsuit (available here) against Langhong Technology in the Northern District of Texas. InVue asserts that Langhong infringes U.S. Patent Nos. 7,740,214; 7,629,895; 7,737,843; and 7,710,266, which claim technology relating to alarm security devices. … Continue reading

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MoJack Hits Tuxedo Distributors With Patent Infringement Lawsuit

On May 29, 2013, MoJack filed a patent infringement lawsuit (complaint available here) against Tuxedo Distributors in the Northern District of Texas. MoJack asserts that Tuxedo infringes U.S. Patent No. 8,448,920, which claims a small vehicle jack, through the sale … Continue reading

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Magistrate Judge Ramirez Recommends that H-W Technology’s Patent Infringement Lawsuit Not Be Dismissed

On May 28, 2013, Magistrate Judge Ramirez issued a ruling (available here) recommending that defendants’ motion to dismiss be denied. Defendants had claimed that H-W Technology’s complaint should be dismissed because its patent was allegedly invalid for combining two statutory classes … Continue reading

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Chief Judge Rader’s NY Times Op-Ed Piece on Patent Trolls

Chief Judge Rader of the Federal Circuit has written an op-ed piece (available here) in The NY Times titled “Make Patent Trolls Pay in Court.” While I don’t agree with everything in the article, it’s certainly a worthwhile read to … Continue reading

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H-W Technology Sues Papa John’s in Northern District of Texas

On May 21, 2013, H-W Technology files its lawsuit (available here) against Papa John’s. H-W claims that Papa John’s infringe U.S. Patent No. 7,525,955, titled “Internet Protocol (IP) Phone with Search and Advertising Capability.” H-W accuses “Papa John’s smartphone domain … Continue reading

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Wireless Mobile Devices Sues AT&T and Verizon for Patent Infringement

On May 17, 2013, Wireless Mobile Devices (WMD) filed its lawsuit (available here) against, among others, AT&T and Verizon. WMD claims that AT&T and Verizon infringe U.S. Patent Nos. 6,560,604; 7,082,365; 7,856,315; and 7,321,826. The patents-in-suit claim technology related to … Continue reading

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Supreme Court Issues Its Bowman v. Monsanto Decision

On May 13, 2013, the Supreme Court decide Bowman v. Monsanto (decision available here). The Supreme Court unanimously held that an authorized sale of a patented seed does not authorize the buyer of the seed to reproduce the seeds through … Continue reading

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Placemark Files Lawsuit Against Prudential

On May 6, 2013, in the Northern District of Texas, Placemark filed a patent infringement lawsuit (available here) against Prudential. Placemark claims that Prudential infringes Placemark’s U.S. Patent No. 7,668,773, which claims technology relating to portfolio management. Placemark is represented … Continue reading

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